Donald S. Harris (2012)
The late Donald Sylvester Harris served as Miles College football coach several years during the 1980’s. He attended Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi on an athletic scholarship and played as a shortstop on its baseball team. As head football coach at Miles College from 1983 to 1985, he was selected Coach of the Week by the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (“SIAC”) and Coach of the Year in the 1984-1985 seasons. In 1985, he led the Golden Bears football team to the SIAC Division III Championship. Donald Harris also participated in community activities and was recognized by the National Young Scholars Program for outstanding service four times between 1983 and 1986. In 1986, he was chosen as Man of the Year by St. Mark C.M.E. Church. This posthumous award to Donald S. Harris is meant to honor and acknowledge his contributions to the Miles College sports program.
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