Dr. Albert J. H. Sloan (2007)
Dr. Albert John Hicks Sloan earned the Master of Divinity degree from Interdenominational Theological Center, in Atlanta, Georgia after receiving his degree from Albany State. He became an ordained minister of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Further studies were pursued at the Miles College Law School where Albert earned the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree. He was a Ford Foundation Fellow for doctoral studies. The whole of Dr. Sloan’s professional life has been dedicated to the education of youth, a career interest that eminently prepared him for active involvement in higher education. He began his career as a counselor with the Recreation Department in Atlanta, Georgia where he advanced to become center director. The year 1969 marked his entry into higher education when he joined the counseling staff at Alabama State University. While at Alabama State, he later joined the faculty and moved into the ranks of administration as assistant director of the Upward Bound Program. Dr. Sloan became a member of the Miles College family in 1971. In the nearly thirty-five years at the college, his multiple talents earned him a position as professor of Religion and Philosophy, Director of Public. Relations, Team teacher for NASA at the U. S. Missile in Huntsville, Alabama; Director of the Jefferson County/Miles College Elementary Aid Act, Dean of Miles College Chapel, and Dean of Students. While Chaplin at Miles, he also served as pastor of the Miles Chapel CME Church considered to be the Campus house of Worship. In 1989, Dr. Sloan became interim president and later the 12th president of Miles College.
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