Winston A. Hines joined Miles College on a football scholarship. He played in the position of split end from 1977 to 1980, under the leadership of coach Earl Cheatham. His legacy as a Golden Bear includes two Southern Intercollegiate Conference Championships in 1977 and 1978. Mr Hines has served as football coach for Woodham High School in Escambia County, leading freshman, junior and varsity football teams to regional and district championships. He also served as assistant coach on the varsity football team that earned a state championship in 2003. Winston Hines also contributed to the school's basketball team as head coach for the schools 2003 state championship team. That year, Mr. Hines was also names Volunteer of the Year by Woodham High School. He served as president of the Pi Theta Gamma Spartan Social Club from 1978 to 1979. Mr Hines is a member of Zion Hope Primitive Baptist Church.
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